Standing Strong Together

ECEBC News & Events

Stay up-to-date with the latest news, events and articles from the Early Childhood Educators of BC. 

If you have any questions on any of the information provided in the news or throughout the website please contact us.

young children playing outdoors with trucks with an early childhood educator

ECEBC Is Looking For Your Input

Apr 7, 2020

Over the past month ECEBC has received multiple emails, phone calls and messages from members and colleagues. This has guided our work and responses to COVID-19 and informed the public of the impact it has had on early childhood educators and the sector as a whole. We will continue to do this important work.

ECEBC needs your help to determine next steps.

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March 25,2020 Update From ECEBC

Mar 25, 2020

Yesterday we reviewed the ‘COVID-19 Q&A for the Child Care Sector’ document from MCFD and are encouraged by this response. We anxiously await “the development of a detailed guideline to inform child care operators, Early Childhood Educators and licensing officers on implementation of best practice.” 

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Questions or Comments? Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the Early Childhood Educators of BC please contact us.