ECEBC Calls On All ECE's To Take Action Against Racism
Jun 23, 2020
Stay up-to-date with the latest news, events and articles from the Early Childhood Educators of BC.
If you have any questions on any of the information provided in the news or throughout the website please contact us.
Jun 23, 2020
Jun 16, 2020
Please view the recent communications from Childcare BC's Stakeholder Engagement Team regarding the Temporary Emergency Funding. (Ministry of Children and Family Development - June 15, 2020)
Jun 16, 2020
Inadequate wages have led to the challenge we now face recruiting and retaining qualified ECEs. Current wage enhancements have not meaningfully or equitably increased wages. Further, the federal government and most provincial governments, including BC, are committed to expanding access to child care - which will require even more qualified ECEs. Clearly we need a different approach.
May 20, 2020
The number of requests for the ECE Education Support Fund (bursary) has exceeded expectations and over $10 million has been put into the hands of students since the newly branded program was launched in September 2018.
The Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC) and the Government of British Columbia are pleased to announce that an additional $4 million in funding became available for early childhood education bursaries.
Apr 29, 2020
The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) have developed a newsletter that will keep you informed.
View Edition 1.
Apr 22, 2020
Minister Chen & Minister Conroy sends letter to BC Early Learning & Child Care Professionals.
Apr 9, 2020
ECEBC's Executive Director Emily Gawlick shares her perspective on child care in the CBC article titled "Struggle to find childcare for B.C.'s essential-service staff highlights fears over sector's future" published April 7, 2020 on the CBC website.
Apr 7, 2020
View the letter from Education Minister Rob Fleming.
If you have any questions regarding the Early Childhood Educators of BC please contact us.