Cohort 3
2011 to 2012
Find out more about the wide variety of projects carried out during Cohort 3 of the Leadership Inititiative and view a slideshow of the leadership showcase. Also, read the Lola: The Leadership Lamp Story (PDF) that originated with Cohort 3!
"Leadership participants are taking on new leadership roles in ECEBC and beyond. They are confident, capable and perhaps most importantly, able to give themselves and each other the gift of caring that they share with children every day"
~ Rita Chudnovsky

Cohort 3 Projects
Book Study
The Smithers leadership project team established a book study group for ECEs to read and discuss professionally related literature and submitted book reviews to the local newspaper to raise the profile of early childhood education. The books became a part of the public library collection to be shared with all.Children As Active Citizens
Vernon & Surrounding Communities
The Vernon & surrounding communities leadership project team created street banners, permanent signage, and a song to deliver the message that children are active citizens in the communityEarly Childhood Educators, We Are The Difference
Bella Bella
The Bella Bella leadership project team organized and hosted community events to educate the community about the role of ECEs. This project also included reaching out to inform those who are considering ECE as a profession, with a focus on attracting more males to the field.Every Child, Every Day, Every Chance a Junior Leadership Initiative
Fraser Lake
The Fraser Lake leadership project team welcomed "latch key" children back into early childhood programs to help as junior leaders. This project created a sense of ownership and belonging for children at all ages and demonstrated ECE's commitment to children and families.I Am An Early Childhood Educator Claiming My Voice
Prince George
The Prince George leadership project team helped to build the confidence of ECEs so they would be inspired to share their passion about their profession with the broader community. They cultivated relationships with those outside the child care profession and supported recent ECE graduates to assume leadership roles in their community.Money In Your Pocket (Early Educators Go Viral)
Cowichan Region
The Cowichan Region leadership project team developed a social media campaign to provide the public with ‘“real life’“ snapshots of early childhood educators’ work and to increase people’s understanding of ECEs’ responsibilities, complexities, and abilities.Promoting the ECE Field
Robson Valley
The Robson Valley leadership project team created an interactive children’s fair to highlight the importance of play and the role of play in children’s development. They also increased community awareness and promoted the ECE profession to Grade 11 and 12 students.Showcasing The Significance
Port Alberni
Cohort 3 Leadership Showcase
By Christine Buttkus. Photos by Shawn Nygren
View the images below or download the Cohort 3 Leadership Showcase PDF (40Mb)
Cohort 3 Leadership Link
By Christine Buttkus. Photos by Shawn Nygren
The Leadership Link is a legacy of Cohort 2 that was to welcome the incoming leadership cohort and build connections across and between cohorts. Each year's events and activities were shaped by a planning committee of leadership participants and alumni with support from ECEBC. The event was guided by survey input from leadership alumni and took place at ECEBC's annual conferences to minimize travel costs. View the slideshow below or download the Leadership Link Slideshow PowerPoint (21 Mb)
Questions or Comments? Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding the Early Childhood Educators of BC Leadership Library please contact us.