$10aDay Myths Vs. Facts
Let's face it: BC is experiencing a child care crisis of unaffordable care, an inadequate number of spaces and unfair or inadequate wages for many educators.
Let's Fix it: Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC) wants to provide you with information about the proposed $10aDay Plan for quality affordable child care system. The plan requires an investment in early care and learning. The Plan provides increased operating funds to child care centres to ensure:
- The cost of child care for families is only $10a day per child for full-time child care, $7 a day for part-time child care or free for families earning under $40,000.
- Educators earn a fair wage averaging $25 per hour, plus benefits. This reflects the value of their qualifications and work.
- All children have access to high-quality child care.

ECEBC Invites You To Learn The Facts
Here are some myths and facts about the proposed $10aDay plan.
Myth 1:
Investment in child care is not important. Resources should be directed elsewhere.
Children’s brains undergo 90% of their social, emotional, and cognitive development in their first 5 years of life. High quality, play-based child care and familiar, consistent caregiving are shown to help provide children with a foundation of success for the rest of their lives. The early years matter -- it’s time BC joins other proactive provinces and countries by investing in their children.
Find out more in our Myth 1 vs. Fact 1 PDF.
Myth 2:
The Plan won’t pay for itself. It’s a significant increase in government spending and places a burden on taxpayers.
The Plan actually does pay for itself, even in the short run, Economists (Fairholm, and Anderson, 2017) agree that the Plan will increase government revenues and boost the economy by creating jobs for working parents, and reducing the government spending burden in other areas of social assistance. A recent independent report estimates the Plan will stimulate $1.2 billion GDP growth within a decade.
Find out more in our Myth 2 vs. Fact 2 PDF.
Myth 3:
Early childhood educators will have to take the brunt of the $10aDay plan, and won't be able to support themselves financially.
The Plan supports educators. While fees for families will reduce to $10 per day, wages for education will increase to an average of $25 an hour plus 20% in benefits. Better wages will improve rentation of educators, and attact qualified talent to an industry much in need. Moreover, The Plan supports students with more opportunities for educators seeking a career in early childhood education. The Plan supports certified educators wishing to upgrade their education.
Find out more in our Myth 3 vs. Fact 3 PDF.
Myth 4:
Family child care providers will be put out of business.
The Plan emphasizes the importance to family child care as part of the new system. All providers will have new accountability measures. Providers will join an Early Years Network and receive government funding to reduce the fees they charge to families and increase the wages they pay their staff.
Find out more in our Myth 4 vs. Fact 4 PDF.
Myth 5:
The Plan will have minimal impact on the lives of families.
Child care is the second highest family cost after housing. For many families, care is inaccessible due to long waitlists and lack of space, or simply unaffordable. At approximately $10,800 to $24,000 annually for a child up to age two, child care costs much more than University undergraduate tutition! Affordable child care means families can more easily balance raising children with work or school life and contributing to the economy.
Find out more in our Myth 5 vs. Fact 5 PDF.
Myth 6:
We don't need the Plan - there's nothing wrong with child care in BC.
Child poverty rates in BC are some of the highest in Canada. Given the high cost of child care and that there's only space for 20% of BC's children, it's hardly a surprise child poverty rates are high. Many parents simply can't access child care or afford to work as fees are so high. Meanwhile with low wages in the child care sector, many educators struggle to make a living and meet the demands of their own families. The Plan is part of the solution.
Find out more in our Myth 6 vs. Fact 6 PDF.
Questions or Comments? Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding the Early Childhood Educators of BC please contact us.