Cohort 2
2010 to 2011
Find out more about the wide variety of projects carried out during Cohort 2 of the Leadership Inititiative and view a slideshow of the leadership showcase.
"I've learned that the qualities of leadership that ECEs possess, such as listening, validation, encouragement, sharing, making space and caring are incredibly transferrable and useful in the larger world"
~ Stephanie Smith, Vancouver

Cohort 2 Projects
Ambassadors of Play
Shuswap Region
The Shuswap Region leadership project team promoted the value of play by recruiting and supporting play ambassadors to take the message to the Shuswap area.Atlin Children's Festival
Atlin & Surrounding Northern Communities
The Atlin & Surrounding Northern Communities leadership project team built a network of ECE professionals in the north to organize a children’s festival that generated awareness about the importance of ECE practitioners.Building Advocacy & Leadership Capacity
Province Wide: Coalition of Child Care Advocates BC
The Coalition of Child are Advocates BC (Province Wide) leadership project team developed and delivered advocacy related public presentations and workshops using shared presentations and resources.Children Are Everybody’s Business
Vancouver Renfrew - Collingwood
The Vancouver (Renfrew - Collingwood) leadership project team advocated for the field of early childhood education by producing and distributing information materials to the public and businesses, hosting open houses, and reaching out to Grade 12 students to consider ECE as a career choice.Innovative Practices In Local Early Childhood Programs
Southern Gulf Islands
The Southern Gulf Islands leadership project team created a display and presentation featuring innovative practices in local early childhood programs to take out to the community.Our Children, Our Future
South Asian Community of Surrey
The South Asian Community of Surrey leadership project team engaged South Asian ECEs to raise public awareness about the importance of early childhood education in the South Asian community.Project Child Sign
Comox Valley
The Comox Valley leadership project team gained community support and approval for posting universal picture signs on public buildings that welcome children and make them more visible in the community.Project Ktunaxa Nation ECE Team
Ktunaxa Community
The Ktunaxa Community leadership project team created a cohesive Early Childhood Team throughout the Ktunaza Nation that coordinated traditional knowledge and language initiatives and special events.Strengthening Early Childhood Supports
Kaslo & Surrounding Rural Communities
The Kaslo & Surrounding Rural Communities leadership project team raised public awareness about ECE and early childhood supports through speakers, demonstrations, and participation activities and information at community events and services.
Cohort 2 Leadership Showcase
By Christine Buttkus. Photos by Shawn Nygren
View the images below or download the Cohort 2 Leadership Showcase PDF (71Mb)