Sector Initiatives
ECEBC works to advance the quality and professionalism of early care and learning. They investigate and promote the development of strong public policies and best practices that are based in research and evidence.
Find out more about ECEBC's Early Childhood Education sector initiatives.

Early Childhood Education Sector Initiatives
The $10aDay plan was released in April 2011 and provides a community plan for a public system of integrated early care and learning. Find out more.
ViewWages & Benefits
ECEBC continues to address the inadequate wages & benefits that have contributed to the challenge in recruiting & retaining qualified Early Childhood Educators in BC
ViewPosition Statements
Find out more about ECEBC's position on various topics surrounding the Early Childhood Education Sector including the Scope of Work of ECEBC.
ViewLabour Market
ECEBC often undertakes research initiatives in the Early Education field and is currently coordinating an evaluation of the Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention Strategy.
ViewCode of Ethics
The ECEBC Code of Ethics represents the collective beliefs, values, and ethics that early childhood educators in BC share.
ViewECEBC Journal
ECEBC publishes a journal titled "The Early Childhood Educator" which is distributed to its members on a quarterly basis.
ViewECEBC Ambassador Pilot Project
ECEBC works to advance the quality and professionalism of early care and learning. Find out more about ECEBC's Early Childhood Education sector initiatives.
ViewQuestions or Comments? Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding any of the Early Childhood Educators of BC Sector Iniatives please contact us.