Cohort 4
2012 to 2013
Find out more about the wide variety of projects carried out during Cohort 4 of the Leadership Inititiative and view a slideshow of the leadership showcase.
"Together we have the ability to create a culture of leadership that does not focus on one individual. Rather, it is a cohesive team that is confident in the values of the ECE field. This allows us to stand strong together and to reach our full potential as leaders"
~ Katie Wahl, Prince Rupert & Kim Bowan, Okanagan

Cohort 4 Projects
Circle of Community Care & Learning
The Vancouver leadership project team created resource materials and promoted the inquiry-based curriculum approach that develops through research, questioning and self reflection with ECEs and families. This project helped ECEs learn how to stand up for the ECE profession and advocate for the values of ECE.Family Experience Days
The Skidegate leadership project team reached out to various community groups including local Headstart, daycares, preschools, and the Skidegate Haida Language Program to collaborate on cultural resource materials. The new materials and the collaboration process supported the sharing of traditional knowledge, increased the pride of the early childhood educators, and built awareness of their work.Growing A Solid Career In Early Childhood Education
South Peace Region
The South Peace Region leadership project team developed a travelling road show to bring to schools throughout the school district for grades 7 and up to address the shortage of ECEs in the South Peace region. The presentation highlighted the world of early childhood and the importance and professionalism of early childhood educators.Raising Awareness Of Early Childhood Education
Williams Lake
The Williams Lake leadership project team set out to raise public awareness of the important role of early childhood education through a comprehensive advertising campaign. The advertisements were insightful and memorable statements about the benefits of early care and learning to our communities.The Value Of Child Care
The Vancouver leadership project team held a series of focus groups and dialogues with families, researchers / policy makers, and ECEs, working so a shared understanding would emerge about the similar aims of these three communities. The focus groups' responses were documented and shared with the broader community through a public forum. The purpose of the forum was to express a vision of early care and learning that makes sense to all community members.
The following projects were also carried out in Cohort 1:
Langley Face to Face
The Langley leadership project team used social media to reach out to early childhood educators, other ECE professionals, and parents for discussions on early childhood education and the importance of the work of early childhood educators in their community -
ECE Community Connections
North / West Vancouver
The North / West Vancouver leadership project team in collaboration with various community organizations including the Child Care Resource and Referral, school districts, First Nation bands, and Capilano University, used social media (blogs and Twitter) to unify the ECE community, promote the profession, and educate and advocate the role of the early childhood educator to the broader community.
Cohort 4 Leadership Showcase
By Christine Buttkus. Photos by Shawn Nygren
View the images below or download the Cohort 4 Leadership Showcase PowerPoint (44 Mb)
Cohort 4 Leadership Link
By Christine Buttkus. Photos by Shawn Nygren
The Leadership Link is a legacy of Cohort 2 that was to welcome the incoming leadership cohort and build connections across and between cohorts. Each year's events and activities were shaped by a planning committee of leadership participants and alumni with support from ECEBC. The event was guided by survey input from leadership alumni and took place at ECEBC's annual conferences to minimize travel costs. View the slideshow below or download the Leadership Link Slideshow PDF (35 Mb).
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If you have any questions regarding the Early Childhood Educators of BC Leadership Library please contact us.