Standing Strong Together

ECEBC Local Branches

ECEBC has branches across the province. A branch brings perspective and understanding to local issues effecting the early childhood profession. Branches have an unique opportunity to offer input into ECEBC initiatives activities and mandate.

Being connected to a local branch has many advantages:

  • Creating awareness of Early Care and Learning - Be part of planning and attending events that highlight the importance of ECE in your community, such activities for May is Child Care month. By being part of this group you have a bigger voice to educate and advocate on behalf our your profession.
  • Community connection - Branches may host social events, educational opportunities, or a community of practice. These occasions for networking enhance your professional network and support you to expand your knowledge.
Early childhood educator and child holding up a carrot from a garden

Vancouver Island Health Authority

Vancouver Coastal Health Authority

Interior Health Authority

Northern Health Authority

Bulkley Valley

Starting A New Branch

Are you interested in creating a branch in your community?

Contact ECEBC’s Membership and Engagement Coordinator to receive additional information how to get started. ECEBC staff are here to support your journey and passion as an educator.

Shawn Nygren, Membership and Engagement Coordinator

Email: or phone 604.709.6063

Questions or Comments? Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments for ECEBC please contact us.