BC Child Care Workforce Survey Now Available!
Published: November 2nd, 2020
Latest Update: The Workforce survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who particpated.
You are invited to complete this year’s BC Child Care Workforce Survey – open to anyone who is part of the ECL sector in BC. We look forward to getting your feedback on how the BC government’s Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention (R&R) Strategy has impacted you including your working conditions in the COVID-19 era.

Take The Survey
Latest Update:
The Workforce survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated.
You can complete the survey before November 23rd. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes.
Survey Information
As a thank you
Every person completing the survey will receive a choice of thank you gift developed by ECEBC. Everyone completing the survey will also enter a draw for a $500 gift card.
How will we use the information
This survey will inform the evaluation of the R&R Strategy. Information collected through this survey will be private and confidential. SRDC will store your answers in a password-protected environment. SRDC follows a strict code of practice. Your workplace or staff will not be identifiable in any reports.
About the survey
The British Columbia government – with support from the Government of Canada – has a 10-year plan to increase the quality, affordability and availability of child care. This includes an ‘Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention (ECL R&R) Strategy’.
Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC) is coordinating an evaluation of this strategy and asked the non-profit Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) to help with the evaluation. The survey was developed in collaboration with sector representatives, including us. The survey will be repeated in 2021 to measure changes over time.
You can read the press release announcing the project and the report based on last year’s survey here.
For more information visit or contact SRDC at or 1-833-298-3016.
With appreciation
It is vital that we reach as many people as possible. We apologize to anyone who receives this information more than once.
Remember to complete the survey by clicking on this survey link before November 23rd!